Cigars are not only a luxury product but also a symbol of craftsmanship and tradition. After the production process, proper packaging plays a crucial role in preserving the cigar’s quality and ensuring its appeal to the consumer.
In this article, we will explore the various types of packaging used to protect, preserve, and present cigars, including transparent cellophane cigar bags, 2-way cigar humidity packs, cigar moisturizing bag and cigar labels.
1st Cigar wrappers-Transparent cellophane cigar bags
Made from biodegradable cellulose derived from renewable sources like wood or hemp, the cellophane material is not plastic and is fully compostable.
Cellophane cigar bags provide effective protection against moisture, oil, and bacteria while allowing cigars to "breathe" and age in a microclimate environment. The semi-permeable nature of cellophane helps maintain optimal humidity levels, preserving the quality of cigars. Cellophane wrappers also prevent damage from mishandling, fingerprints, and environmental factors.
Available in various sizes and colors, these eco-friendly cellophane cigar bags can be customized with logos and barcodes for easy retail use. YITO PACK offers both standard and zip-lock style options, perfect for both retail and wholesale purposes.
2nd Cigar wrappers-2-way cigar humidity packs
Customizable 2-way cigar humidity packs are designed to maintain optimal humidity and preserve cigar freshness. Made from eco-friendly biodegradable materials, these bags provide moisture resistance, ensuring cigars stay in prime condition.
Available in various humidity specifications, including 32%, 49%, 62%, 65%, 69%, 72%, 75%, and 84% RH, they cater to diverse storage needs. The bags come in sizes of 10g, 75g, and 380g, with a usage lifespan of 3-4 months and a shelf life of up to 2 years when unopened.
Perfect for cigar enthusiasts and retailers, YITO’s 2-way cigar humidity packs provide efficient, environmentally conscious humidity control for long-term cigar preservation. Custom designs and patterns are also available to meet specific customer requirements.
ambient temperature≥ 30℃
it is recommended to use a moisturizing pack with 62% or 65% humidity
ambient temperature<10℃
it is recommended to use a moisturizing pack with 72% or 75% humidity
ambient temperature≈20℃
it is recommended to use a moisturizing pack with 69% or 72% humidity
3rd Cigar wrappers-Cigar moisturizing bag
Cigar moisturizing bags are designed to maintain the ideal moisture levels, ensuring your cigars inside stay fresh and flavorful. These fully recyclable cigar moisturizing bags are made from high-quality materials such as OPP+PE, PET+PE, or MOPP+PE, with thickness options of 0.09mm and 10/12/13 mil.
The bags are odor-proof, preventing any unwanted smells from affecting your cigars, and feature a resealable design for easy access and enhanced protection. Available in both glossy and matte finishes, they come in zipper or fishbone styles. Digital and gravure printing options are also available for customized branding.
Perfect for both storage and portability, YITO's cigar moisturizing bags combine moisture control with convenience, offering a reliable, eco-friendly solution for cigar enthusiasts and retailers.
Cigar labels
Custom cigar labels are made from high-quality paper, perfect for branding and enhancing the presentation of your cigars. These cigar labels are fully customizable, allowing for any shape, size, and design to meet your specific needs. Whether you want to display a logo, brand name, or special design, YITO provides versatile options for both small and large orders.
The paper material ensures durability while giving a premium look to your cigars. Ideal for retailers and cigar manufacturers, these labels can be printed with vibrant colors and intricate details, using advanced printing techniques. Whether for packaging or personal branding, YITO's custom cigar labels help distinguish your product and elevate its market appeal.
Apart from these cigar wrappers, Many other tools like cigar humidor cabinets can provide protection and convenience for the storage of cigars.
Discover YITO’s eco-friendly packaging solutions and join us in creating a sustainable future for your products.
Feel free to reach out for more information!
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Post time: Jan-17-2025